Remember the 4th Ward, Englewood New Jersey
The Legecy, History and Contributions of the African American Experience

Encounters In Black Traditions invites you and your community to our celebration of the cultural tapestry of the African American Experience and rich history, legacy and contribution of inner city African American communities as told by you. This project will document a wide variety of creative and artistic responses to life in the Fourth Ward focusing on being home to first generation Fourth Warders and their daughters, sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The Fourth Ward became home to African Americans who migrated here with strong southern roots. The Fourth Ward is part melting pot and part cultural mosaic.
This may explain why many great people lived in or nearby the 4th Ward. This project will bring the Fourth Ward into classrooms, museums, festival showcases and submitted to Public Broadcasting Stations around the world so that the residents of the Fourth Ward may be appreciated for their significance and importance as part of the American Pie.
Made Possible with a grant for The Puffin Foundation.
Moods, Sounds and Smells.........Southeast Queens, NYC
South East Queens Story Share Web Series
Made possible in part by Queens Council on the Arts

Talking to the community you begin to realize the most valuable traces of a lost neighborhood are not the traces left on city streets or filed in archives. They reside in the soul of a community as Moments, Sounds and Smells helds in it’s imagination, the tools of personal interpretation we all possess. Introduction of Cultural Partnership with Cultural Collaborative Jamaica This project will document a wide variety of creative and artistic responses to life in the inner cities, focusing on being home to first generation Southeast Queens residents, their daughters, sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The Inner Cities became home to thousands of African Americans who migrated here from all over the United States, many with strong Southern roots and Immigrants from other parts of the world, all part melting pot and part cultural mosaic.
Made possible in part with the support of Cultural Collaborative Jamaica.